- Shearing Wound "Pre HBOT" 1
Shearing Wound
A week after being dragged on a leash behind a pickup truck, this patient was febrile, hypoalbuminemic, anorexic and lethargic while being managed with standard wound care at a primary care veterinary hospital. Within 24 hours of adding HBOT to the treatment, the dog was playful, active, and eating voraciously. The wounds closed rapidly. HBOT causes hair and nails to grow very rapidly.
- Shearing Wound "Post HBOT" 2
Shearing Wound
A week after being dragged on a leash behind a pickup truck, this patient was febrile, hypoalbuminemic, anorexic and lethargic while being managed with standard wound care at a primary care veterinary hospital. Within 24 hours of adding HBOT to the treatment, the dog was playful, active, and eating voraciously. The wounds closed rapidly. HBOT causes hair and nails to grow very rapidly.
- Vasculitis / Lyme Disease "Pre HBOT" 1
Vasculitis / Lyme Disease
Vasculitis / Lyme Disease This patient had been treated at a specialty center in the northeast U.S. without resolution of fever, lameness, tissue swelling, and lethargy. At 2.4 ATA, HBOT is BACTERIOCIDAL TO THE LYME SPIROCHETE. It also modulates the cytokines and MMP’s in the inflammatory process of vasculitis.
- Vasculitis / Lyme Disease"Post HBOT" 2
Vasculitis / Lyme Disease
This patient had been treated at a specialty center in the northeast U.S. without resolution of fever, lameness, tissue swelling, and lethargy. At 2.4 ATA, HBOT is BACTERIOCIDAL TO THE LYME SPIROCHETE. It also modulates the cytokines and MMP’s in the inflammatory process of vasculitis.
- Rattle Snake Bite "Pre HBOT" 1
Rattle Snake Bite
This Jack Russell Terrier was treated at a specialty and emergency care center appropriately with antivenin, plasma, and supportive care. A few days later, the surgical specialist advised debridement to prepare for flaps/grafts. The client requested a second opinion, and the patient was referred for HBOT. No surgical procedure was performed. The pictures demonstrate the clinical response.
- Rattle Snake Bite "Post HBOT" 2
- Sandhill Crane Attack "Pre HBOT" 1
Sandhill Crane Attack
An 11 year old chihuahua sustained acute severe puncture wounds about the face, head, and neck as the result of an attack by a Sandhill Crane. The patient was treated with IV fluids, enrofloxacin, amoxicillin/clavulinic acid, buprenorphine, and BID HBOT sessions at 1.5 ATA. Studies have shown that HBOT upregulates the expression of TNF-alha, MMP-9, and TMP-1, which are beneficial modulators in the wound healing process.
- Sand Hill Crane Attack "post HBOT" 2
Sandhill Crane Attack
An 11 year old chihuahua sustained acute severe puncture wounds about the face, head, and neck as the result of an attack by a Sandhill Crane. The patient was treated with IV fluids, enrofloxacin, amoxicillin/clavulinic acid, buprenorphine, and BID HBOT sessions at 1.5 ATA. Studies have shown that HBOT upregulates the expression of TNF-alha, MMP-9, and TMP-1, which are beneficial modulators in the wound healing process.
- Severe Effusive Pancreatitis 1
Severe Effusive Pancreatitis
This is a canine treated for Pancreatitis at an emergency and critical care hospital for 14 days with intense supportive care and pain management. It presented laterally recumbent and minimally responsive. It was referred for HBOT. Supportive care was continued, and HBOT was added to the treatment protocol. The radiographs and ultrasound changes correlated with clinical recovery, and the patient was discharged 5 days post admission.
- Severe Effusive Pancreatitis Post HBOT 2